It was a completely new experience! When you’re sitting in a box and you do not see the girls and how they shit, but you see the crap in front of you and you smell it. When you look at the door and you do not know what color and shape shit is – it really excites!


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It was a completely new experience! When you’re sitting in a box and you do not see the girls and how they shit, but you see the crap in front of you and you smell it – it’s much harder to swallow. When you look at the door and you do not know what color and shape shit is – it really excites! Eating yourself with a spoon is always more difficult than when a girl order you to swallow. When you do not see the girl at all and you only contact her with shit – this is even more difficult! I thought it was easy to take their loads, but this time it was very difficult for me and I felt like they were order me – it was cool!